I lead the Human-Centered Data Science group at the University of Göttingen. Our interdisciplinary research focuses on cognitively inspired NLP and multilingual models. Please reach out if you are interested in working with us!
My favorite topics for a sunny coffee break: the elegance of volleyball, the ease of travelling by train, the latest novel by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
The book is out! Nora Hollenstein and I wrote an introduction to Cognitive Plausibility in Natural Language Processing. I talked about this topic with the NLP Highlights podcast.
How do language models process language and how is that different to humans? At EMNLP and CoNLL in Singapore, we will present three papers looking into this topic. We investigate the representation of the input, the learning procedure, and the interpretation of the output. The first paper received the “Most Interesting Paper” award at the BabyLM challenge which aims at building smaller language models (see discussion in the New York Times). If you like this line of research, check also our earlier papers on cognitive plausibility at ACL21, NAACL21, and EACL2023_Findings.
I have been recognized as one of the “Outstanding Reviewers” at EACL 2023 and served as area chair for cognitive modeling at ACL 2023.
I received a personal VENI grant to work on the “Interpretability of Transfer in Multilingual Models” and have been awarded an Early Career Partnership by the Royal Dutch Academy of Science to foster interdisciplinary research on “The Human Perspective on Multilingual AI Models”. Within this line of research, we have worked on simplifying texts for the Gemeente of Amsterdam, correcting texts by learners of Dutch together with NT2, and identifying semantic drift. Our project “InTeAM: Interpretability of Text Adequacy Methods” won the “Best Project Award” by the Network Institute.
I co-organized three workshops in 2023 and they provide a good summary of my current research interests: 1) At HumanCLAIM, we discussed cross-lingual NLP from a human-centered perspective 2) at IWDS, we stimulated interdisciplinary research to address challenges of the digital society 3) and at SIGTyp, typological knowledge plays an important role.
PhD in Computer Science, 2016
Technische Universität Darmstadt
MSc in Computational Linguistics, 2010
Saarland University (and Bolzano, Italy)
BSc in Computational Linguistics, 2008
Saarland University (and Barcelona, Spain)
Sharing my knowledge and encouraging students to pursue research projects matters to me. I am certified with the University Teaching Qualification and am teaching the following courses:
In previous years, I have been teaching at VU Amsterdam, Uv Amsterdam, University of Duisburg-Essen, TU Darmstadt, and Saarland University.
Many years of my life, playing volleyball had a very high priority. I played in various teams of the first and second national leagues and in the junior national team.
I am certified for teaching German as a foreign language and have been engaged in voluntary teaching activities for migrants. Now, I am a migrant myself trying to learn Dutch.
I like Italian coffee.